Tuesday, 15 April 2008

To Glastonbury or not to Glastonbury? That is the question

And the answer from my point of view is 'of course I'm still going!'
Don't get me wrong, I can see people's reason's for not going, such as they can't face that much mud again, the headliners are at best uninspired, the ticket system is a mess and it is expensive, BUT I love Glastonbury for all the other mad smaller stages and the overall creativity of the place.
My 2 favourite gigs last year were Neville Staple in the Dance tent and Dreadzone in the Glade. Oh and Iggy and the Stooges were just brilliant on the Other Stage. Combine this with the Greenfields, a laid back and happy atmosphere, bumping into someone you haven't seen for 15 years in a tea tent, and having a tequila slammer served by a full-on Moulin Rouge tart, and I'll be back again. Well that and the fact that we get to spend a whole 5 days with a large Geordie encampment. We're up to 44 in numbers this year. Yep, 44 AND pear cider!

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