Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Concepts, themes and mind mapping

So, I haven;t blogged in a while. This was primarily due to the fact that I had a few days out in Belfast and then went straight to Woking for a work trip. That and the continued demise of Newcastle United.....

Anyway before I end up like Marvin the Paranoid Android, I thought that I would share with you my mind mapping tool of choice which is FreeMind for OS X. Yes, I am one of those pesky Mac users.....

I took my time getting into Mind mapping. My mate and colleague, Andy, does it all the time and for identifying my initial research themes it's worked a treat. Yes, you still have to manually enter terms and then 'refind' the recurrent information, but I identified my common themes in a couple of minutes from my print out.

FreeMind is available via a link on Wikipedia where you can read all about it too. If you've never tried mind mapping, give it a whirl, especially if you have tasks that you need to think about.

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